All instruments for FUNDAMENTAL accounts must be traded during the following business hours, UTC time : (SWING accounts are excluded from this rule.)
CME Globex
Sunday to Friday
10:00 p.m - 8:59 p.m (UTC)
60-minute break each day from 8.59pm (UTC)
CME ClearPort(clearing time, please find information on the CME Group website)
15-minute maintenance window between 21:45 and 22:00 (UTC)
Please check each exchange's website for official hours and holidays.
CME Normal Trading Hours :
Holiday calendar :
Note: All positions must be CLOSED before the end of the trading day. Failure to close a position before the deadline results in disqualification of the account. (SWING accounts are excluded from this rule)
*CME market opening hours are all Paris time.
If you live elsewhere, feel free to use these time converters :