Choose your account size: You choose and purchase the account size that best suits your goals and trading style.
Thereafter, the monthly subscription is recurring until the account is validated or canceled. This fee covers access to data feeds and a number of our tools and services to help you succeed.
Start the evaluation account: once you have registered and paid the subscription fee, we will send you an automatic e-mail with your RITHMIC identifiers. You can start your evaluation account via the trading platform of your choice (which supports the data feeds provided by RITHMIC). This is your first step towards live trading. (Connexion guide here)
Reach your profit target without breaking any of the rules: the main objective is to make a profit while respecting our trading rules. Keep an eye on your maximum authorised loss, as this is one of the most important criteria for success.
If, unfortunately, a rule is not respected during the evaluation, don't worry. You have the option of starting a new evaluation by purchasing a reset, or waiting 30 days after purchase for the automatic account reset (reset only if evaluation fails).
Once you have successfully completed your evaluation account after the minimum 3 trading days, you will be eligible to obtain your Phidias CASH account. From this point on, there is no need to send us an e-mail or open a support ticket. As soon as you have paid the activation fee and signed your CASH contract, the account is automatically created.